The Truth About Sugar and Good Gut Health

This time of year can feel like it’s all about eating. There are treats in the office, at home, you’re going to more parties and eating out. There’s more chocolate, more biscuits, and more carbs!

SarahMaxwell Sugar detox

Years ago, we were told it was most important to avoid saturated fats. While this is true, it is only true to a point. Some fats are healthy, and having a balance is healthy. We saw a rise in ‘fat free’ foods and as a society became obsessed with the idea that if the label says ‘fat free’ it must be healthy.


Most food manufacturers simply added sugars to make up for the flavour that was lost when the fat was removed. Just because there is no fat, does not make it healthy.

I want to draw your attention to sugar, where it can be found and avoided, and how it can affect us. Although we all know sugar is not good for us, it can be hard to avoid when its hidden in things we wouldn’t expect to find it.

Sarah Maxwell Sugar free diet
Sarah maxwell personal trainer sugar

There are different types of sugars:

Natural:  fruit and vegetables have natural sugars, and although eating them is healthier than a candy bar, too much is still unhealthy.

Carbohydrates: when the body digests complex carbohydrates such as bread and pasta, it turns into sugar.

Refined: this is your classic granulated white sugar that is found in sweets and desserts.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to read the labels on your food. Most manufacturers add sugar to increase shelf-life. This means even pasta sauce, soup, and canned vegetables have sugar when they may not taste sweet. You are most likely consuming more sugar than you’re aware of, due to it being added to food.

sarah maxwell healthy eating

Along with limiting your sugar intake, it’s vital to foster healthy gut flora. There are beneficial bacteria in your stomach and digestive system that can contribute to your over-all health. This includes mental health. In my own experience, I know that sugar, additives, and food colourings have made a marked difference in my mental health too.

Sarah Maxwell remove sugar detox
Sugar free diet plan

It’s time we change our mindset about sugar. It’s not just sweets!

Starting on 13 January I will be running a 10-days course on how to quit sugar. We will go on a journey together to learn about what sugar does to your body, awareness of sugar in your diet, and even looking through your cupboard to find sugar wherever it is hiding!

 Join me in an exclusive Facebook group where I will offer you a daily workout video around mid-day. The exercise will be up to 30 min, optional, and you will be able to watch the videos anytime.

I will be offering you recipes, discussion and exploding the myths about sugar. In simple terms, we will explore how to have better physical and mental health, more energy by limiting our sugar in-take.

Join me in busting the myths of healthy eating, with support to get your diet on track to feel better. Nothing extreme, changing a mindset, and creating  something that’s sustainable.

sugar free diet planning
Sarah Maxwell