Ballet Barre for Any Bird

ballet barre classes

I took ballet class as a child and I loved it. It really opened my eyes to being active and having fun at the same time. The trouble is, unless you’re insanely talented and can become a professional dancer, ballet isn’t really an option just for fun as an adult. Trust me, I’ve looked! Over the years I’ve tried all sorts of classes in gyms, studios, dance schools - you name it! I even went to a 6am class a few years ago (and I hate mornings) and when I arrived and looked around, I realised I was at least 30 years older than everyone in the class. Ugh. I did not feel confident or that I fit in at all. So I didn’t go back. Have you had this feeling after a class or going into a gym?

I started to notice that in the last few years barre classes and studios are suddenly every where! But have you seen the promotions for them? The flyers and social media are full of young, beautiful, skinny, graceful-looking girls, and if even I, body confident, ballet experienced, could feel bad, anyone can!

ballet barre workout
ballet barre 2

So I took this experience to adapt it for fitness training and ladies my age. I wanted to create something small and niche that is like a family, where everyone is welcome no matter ability, age, fitness level or experience!

I now teach about four ballet barre classes every week at my fitness studio in Cranbrook, Kent. I keep the classes small, maximum 7 students. The age range is between 40 and 72 which I find absolutely fantastic! Some who have done ballet and some who haven’t. The class is purely about using the barre to strengthen your core and channelling your inner ballerina! We listen to music from all eras and the goal is to help you feel beautiful, strong, elegant and confident.

As with all exercise, it is important to go at your own pace! If you have back problems, arthritis, or injury, I can easily adjust the exercises to fit you. We may not all do the same thing together, but we get our heart rates up, stretch, strengthen and work on our posture. It’s also important at our age to engage our core and pelvic floor, in an elegant and flexible way.

This is a fun and informal class where everyone is welcome and there is no judgement! When I was younger I was much more formal, insecure, freighted to be myself when teaching. As time has gone on, I do it because I love it and have fun.

‘I come to this class every week because it’s the most fun I have all week!’ - Ballet Barre class regular

Sarah Maxwell1 Comment